LifeVac Travel Kit
Choking can kill in less than 10 minutes
Time is of the essence when somebody begins to choke.
The UK currently has an 8 minute target time for an ambulance to reach an incident.
4 – 6 minutes of oxygen starvation means brain damage is possible.
6 – 10 minutes of oxygen starvation means brain damage is probable.
Over 10 minutes of oxygen starvation means the victim is likely to die.
Many people around the world cannot receive conventional treatment for choking due to pregnancy, disability, age, or obesity.
Want to protect your loved ones from choking? LifeVac, the only registered and regulated non-invasive Airway Clearance Device, is your everyday essential for protecting your family in an emergency.
Choking can kill in 10 minutes or less. Discover the peace of mind that comes with having 24/7 protection that could save a life.
The LifeVac Travel Kit is a preferable option for travel use. It is easily stored and carried due to its zip bag with handle, ideal for cars and handbags.
- LifeVac Instruction Booklet – The instruction booklet details how to use LifeVac, and which coloured ring identifies the size of the mask.
- LifeVac Unit.
- 1 Paediatric Mask.
- 1 Small Child/Adult Mask.
- 1 Medium Adult (test) Mask.
- 1 Large Adult Mask.
- 1 Window or Door Sticker – The sticker is so you can advise customers and the people you care for that a LifeVac is on site.
Feedback Form – The Feedback Form is to be filled out once your LifeVac is used to help us raise awareness and improve our service.
Free access to LifeVac video training via an easy-to-scan QR code.
FDA, MHRA, TGA, HPFB, MOH, SAHPRA regulated as a class 1 medical device and CE marked
Where do I apply the LifeVac device?
You apply the top of the LifeVac mask on the bridge of the nose between the eyebrows, and the bottom of the mask between the bottom lip and chin.
How to use LifeVac when BLS choking protocol has failed on a casualty who is laying down, sitting, and standing.
- Examine: what type of choking? Assess the severity.
- Push and Twist the mask into the base of your LifeVac device.
- Using your less dominant hand, hold the mask firmly in place on the appropriate application area, making sure their head is tilted back still.
- Use your dominant hand on the LifeVac handle, depress and pull.
(It does not matter how hard you depress because you are only pushing the air out of the bellows through the vent and the valve. Its the quick pull after that counts.)
When first aid and all other methods fail in a choking emergency LifeVac saves lives.